Huggies Wonder Pants Diapers M 2N


This next generation diaper pant in lined with the super soft 3-D Bubble-Bed in the inside layer of the diaper. This is so soft & fluffy that it feels like a bed against your baby’s bottom, keeping it extremely comfortable. Moreover, it absorbs the wetness and spreads it out evenly – keeping your little one’s bottom dry.

Bubble wala Huggies also comes with a Cushiony Waist band, which is so soft that it helps prevent the occurrence of red marks around the baby’s waist. Plus, its super flexible elastic provides the baby with a super comfortable fit.

Bubble wala Huggies also has a Triple Leak-guard, an extra padding on the sides of the diaper, which helps reduce leakage from the sides on to the baby’s thigh & legs.

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Your baby spends a good part of their day in a diaper. Therefore, choosing the right diaper for their tender and delicate skin is extremely important. And this is where, we introduce our next generation product, India’s 1st diaper pants with the unique Bubble-Bed technology.

There are 3 areas where a diaper surrounds the baby’s skin – the baby’s bottom, the baby’s waist, and the baby’s thigh. The skin of the baby in all these areas is extremely delicate and sensitive.

The next generation Bubble wala Huggies has 3 unique features which provides our best care & comfort in all these 3 areas.


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